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Commission on Legal Fees

Upon request, the Commission on Legal Fees will render non-binding opinions regarding the appropriateness of legal fees and costs invoiced by members of the Zurich Bar Association. Where both parties agree, the Commission will arbitrate disputes relating to legal fees and costs.

The Commission may only challenge the amount of work performed in connection with a given matter in cases of gross and obvious inappropriateness. The Commission may not assess the quality of the services rendered.

Dr. Franz J. Kessler
Pestalozzi Rechtsanwälte AG
Feldeggstrasse 4, 8008 Zürich
Phone +41 44 217 93 42

Vice Chair
Dr. Dimitri Santoro

Dr. Andrea Taormina
MLaw Andrea Schmoker
lic.iur. Andreas von Erlach
lic.iur. Alexia Rambosson
Dr. Benjamin Schumacher
lic.iur. Klaus Neff
Dr. iur. Olivia Pelli
Dr. Stefan Kramer
lic.iur. Sylvia Nafz

mime file icon Legal procedures against attorneys in the Canton of Zürich (111 KB)

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