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Who we are

Most of the independent attorneys practicing in the Canton of Zurich are members of the Zurich Bar Association. Through this, we are able to secure high-level legal expertise on a large scale. By offering a wide variety of internal seminars and courses, we promote the professional competence of our members. We also present open forums on issues of public interest; we participate in the legislative process, as well as in legal discussions of political interest, and thereby contribute to safeguarding the fundamental principles of the Constitution.

Within the association we are engaged in securing the respect of its members for the legal and professional rules of conduct. In case of an infraction the Association's internal Committee on Ethical Rules is empowered to impose severe sanctions. We also mediate among our members and between our members and their clients. Besides that, we have our own Committee on Legal Fees, which, upon petition, renders opinions regarding the correctness of fees.

The Zurich Bar Association has its seat in Zurich. It is politically and confessionally neutral.


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Lehrstellenförderung des Zürcher Anwaltsverbands
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