Upon request, the Commission on Legal Fees reviews legal fee invoices issued by members of the Zurich Bar Association. A request must be submitted in writing and sent by post to the address of the president of the Commission on Legal Fees.
The request letter must be accompanied by the detailed invoice that is being contested. Furthermore, it must specify which invoice items are contested and for what reason, or why the invoice as a whole does not correspond with the fee agreement or the fee information made at the beginning of the mandate. The reasonableness of the reported time spent or alleged deficiencies in the lawyer's work can be subject to the assessment by the Commission on Legal Fees only in cases of extreme and obvious disproportion.
The Commission on Legal Fees is not a court that renders a binding judgment about a disputed case, it is merely a conciliation body. After hearing both parties, it may issue a written recommendation for an amicable settlement or conduct a settlement hearing with the parties. If the request for review of legal fees is made by the client, the procedure is free of charge.
Dr. Franz J. Kessler
Pestalozzi Rechtsanwälte AG
Feldeggstrasse 4, 8008 Zürich
Phone +41 44 217 93 42
Vice Chair
Dr. Dimitri Santoro
Dr. Andrea Taormina
MLaw Andrea Schmoker
lic.iur. Andreas von Erlach
lic.iur. Alexia Rambosson
Dr. Benjamin Schumacher
lic.iur. Klaus Neff
Dr. iur. Olivia Pelli
Dr. Stefan Kramer
lic.iur. Sylvia Nafz
Abschlussfeier des Kurses «Praktische Grundlagen der Anwaltstätigkeit»
Lehrstellenförderung des Zürcher Anwaltsverbands
KV-Lehre und Praktikum in einer Anwaltskanzlei
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