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The first Consultation

Before calling on a lawyer you should prepare yourself well. It would be best to list important questions in advance and to be able to give a realistic and transparent description of your personal situation. Timely compile and have ready during the first consultation all necessary records and documents.

Ask your lawyer to also answer the following questions:

  • Do you have the ability and are you willing to take my case?
  • ow do you assess my chances of success and the involved risks?
  • What can I contribute personally?
  • Which are the next steps, and when will they be taken?
  • What is your assessment of the costs that I have to expect, in particular lawyer's fees, court fees, other fees and costs, and how do you account for your services?

The better you are prepared for your first consultation, the quicker, easier, and more precisely your attorney is able to take suitable first steps that lead to a satisfying solution.

Abschlussfeier des Kurses «Praktische Grundlagen der Anwaltstätigkeit»

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