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Fachanwältin und Mediatorin SAV

SBA-specialized attorney

With the creation of the title of SAV-specialized attorney in the six legal disciplines

  • labor law
  • building and real estate law
  • inheritance law
  • family law
  • liability and insurance law
  • criminal law

the Swiss Bar Association (SAV) has met a growing need of the public for specialized consultation and representation in litigation.

The prerequisite for conferral of the title of SAV-specialized attorney is extensive activity in the specialized discipline in question, graduation from a practice-oriented further education course and examination offered by a university, and passage of a specialized interview. An associated obligation is participation in continuing education. You can find SAV-specialized attorneys in the "Attorney Search" in the Full Directory.

You can find details about the subject of specialized attorneys under the address


SBA mediators

To promote mediation as a lasting method of out-of-court dispute resolution, the Swiss Bar Association (SAV) created the title SAV Mediator in 2002. This title is held by independent and impartial attorneys, who are able to help you along the negotiation path in resolving a conflict by your own efforts and by mutual agreement. You can find these specialists in the "Attorney Search" in the Full Directory.

The prerequisite for earning this title is appropriate training in mediation, comprising prescribed practice and supervision components. Beyond this, attorney-specific additional training is demanded. Another condition is the obligation to participate in continuing education.

The Swiss Bar Association publishes Guidelines for Mediation on its website.

Abschlussfeier des Kurses «Praktische Grundlagen der Anwaltstätigkeit»

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